Student Art Exhibition

The 2024 Art House Tour includes the Student Art Exhibition, to be held on Wednesday 20 November. This evening is dedicated to showcasing work from senior students who are contributing to the creative arts legacy of New Zealand. As they continue in their endeavours, they will retain their link to the wider School community as Old Boys.

In doing so, we hope they will continue to contribute further works for the Art House Tour for years to come. They can then help to deliver on the creative legacy that is woven throughout the School’s history.

You can follow their success as a creative in this country and watch them shape the future of Art both here and internationally. The School has a number of famous artists, including Charles Goldie 1883, Max Gimblett ’50 and Brad Novak ’89.

A piece of work you purchase from a current Grammar student could be worth a lot more in years to come! Help support their early journey to becoming renowned in their own right. We look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks to Gordon Harris for their support of the Student Art Exhibition.

Gordon Harris - the Art and Graphic store